
All tower APIs are accesible directly from a tflon.Model instance.

Model API

class tflon.model.model.Model(**kwargs)

Model base class. User models are implemented by extending this class and overriding the _model method:

class MyModel(Model):
def _model(self, *args, **kwargs):

Generate a tensorflow checkpoint file.

Parameters:filename (str) – Path to write the checkpoint file
evaluate(source, query=None)

Evaluate model metrics on data feed or batch

Parameters:source – Either (1) a batch dictionary of name, tensor pairs or (2) a generator, which emits batches (dictionaries of name, tensor pairs)
Keyword Arguments:
 query (list or str) – A key or multiple keys specifying which metrics to gather, if None, gets all metrics (default=None)
Returns:A dictionary of metric names and values
Return type:dict
featurize(source, batch_size=None)

Given a table feed, generate the feature tables required by each module and add them to the table feed

Parameters:source (TableFeed) – The input feed
Keyword Arguments:
 batch_size (int) – Featurize the data in batches of a given size, if None, featurize all the data at once

Generate a feed_dict from a batch dictionary for evaluating calls


Get variable values by regex patterns.

Parameters:patterns (list) – list of string queries for variable names
Returns:Variable values as name:value pairs
Return type:dict
fit(source, trainer, restarts=1, reset=True, source_tables=None, **kwargs)

Fit a model to data using a chosen trainer.

This function manages random restarts and delegates training to either _fit_global or _fit_stochastic, which are selected based the type of source.

  • source – Either a dictionary-like of name:feedable pairs, or an iterator which returns such dictionaries
  • trainer – A tflon.train.Trainer
Keyword Arguments:
  • restarts (int) – The number of times to train from a random initialization (default = 1)
  • reset (bool) – Whether to reset trainable variable initializations before each optimization (default = True)
  • source_tables – An optional TableFeed object or dictionary of name:Table pairs which is used to initialize model parameters (default = None)
  • **kwargs – Additional arguments passed to either _fit_global or _fit_stochastic
infer(source, query=None)

Perform inference from a data batch or from a data generator.

Parameters:source – Either (1) a batch dictionary of name, tensor pairs or (2) a generator, which emits batches (dictionaries of name, tensor pairs)
Keyword Arguments:
 query (list or str) – A key or multiple keys specifying which outputs to gather, if None, gets all outputs (default=None)
If source is a batch dictionary, return a dictionary of name, tensor pairs for model output. Otherwise, if source is
a batch generator, return a generator which emits dictionaries of name, tensor pairs, one output for each input batch
Return type:dict or iterator

Reset the model variables to their initialized states.

This operation will restore variables to saved states loaded from disk if available.

Parameters:restore (boolean) – If False, do not use saved variable states even when available (default=True)
classmethod load(filename, **xargs)

Load a tflon model pickle file previously saved with from disk

  • filename – The pickle file containing the saved tflon model
  • xargs – Extra keyword arguments passed to Model.__init__ this argument can be used to override parameter settings

Reinitialize model trainable variables.


Restore model weights from a tensorflow checkpoint file.

Parameters:filename (str) – A path to a checkpoint file
Save a tflon model pickle file. The resulting file contains a tuple data structure with the following three variables:
  • (class) Model class
  • (dict) Parameters
  • (dict) Values of all model variables
Parameters:filename (str) – A path to save the pickled model

Sets model and module parameters from data prior to fit

Parameters:tables ( – Input tables used for this model training run

Tower API

class tflon.model.tower.Tower(params=None, use_gpu=False)

Tower is a slave class of the Model, which is designed to specifically abstract away the tensorflow interface of tflon.model.Model.

The combination of Tower and Model are effectively a hybrid class, since Model exposes its Tower instance methods directly via python missing property resolution (e.g __getattribute__).

The end user interacts with these methods and properties from within their Model instance as though they were attributes of Model.

add_input(name, shape=[None], dtype=tf.float32, sparse=False, ragged=False, ttype=<class ''>)

Add an input tensor. This method creates a dictionary alias name which can be used when feeding data to the model.

Input tensors can come in three varieties: dense (default), sparse, and ragged.

Parameters:name (str) – The name reference for this tensor.
Keyword Parameters:
shape (iterable): The dense shape of this input tensor dtype (tf.type): The data type (e.g tf.float32) sparse (bool): Specify sparse tensor, sparse tensors are input via tf.SparseTensorValue ragged (bool): Specify a ragged array-type tensor, ragged tensor are input via
Returns:The input placeholder tensor
Return type:tf.Tensor
add_loss(name, loss)

Add a named loss function to this model. All losses are summed to compute the final optimization target

  • name (str) – A name reference for this loss value
  • loss (tensor-like) – The op calculating this loss
add_metric(name, metric)

Add a named metric op to this model.

  • name (str) – A name reference for this metric
  • metric (tuple) – The op calculating this metric. This op should be able to handle aggregation of multiple batches. Tuples must have the form (eval_op, update_op), where eval_op computes the final metric value after multiple calls to update_op.
add_module(module, extra_parameters)

Add a module to this tower. This is automatically handled by the Module constructor.

  • module (tflon.toolkit.Module) – Instance of Module
  • extra_parameters (dict) – A dictionary of parameter overrides for the module
add_output(name, out, transform=None)

Add an output tensor. Output tensors are returned by Model.infer

Optionally, output tensors can be transformed by a post-processing operation.

  • name (str) – A name for this output, used as a reference key in the dictionary returned by Model.infer
  • out (tensor-like) – A tensor to fetch when writing output
Keyword Parameters:
transform (TensorTransform): A transformation to apply (default=None)

Add a prior loss to this model.

Parameters:loss (tensor-like) – The op calculating this loss
add_target(name, shape=[None], dtype=tf.float32, sparse=False, ragged=False, ttype=<class ''>)

Alias of Tower.add_input, differs only by semantic distinction.


Get the collection of all biases for this model


Add each module’s features to the batch

Parameters:batch (dict-like) – A batch dictionary containing data tables

Given an input batch, construct a feed dictionary. This method handles mapping tables to support tensors for sparse and ragged inputs.

Returns:of (placeholder, value) pairs, a valid feed_dict
Return type:dict

Given an input batch, construct a list of the names of all placeholder tensors required to feed data to the model. This will include names of support tensors for sparse and ragged inputs.

Returns:A list of placeholder names
Return type:list
get_bias(name, shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=None, prior=None, scope=None)

Get a bias variable. Biases are automatically added to tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES and tf.GraphKeys.BIASES

  • name (str) – The parameter name, which will result in a tensorflow variable referenced at scope/name:x
  • shape (list or tuple) – The explicit shape of this variable
Keyword Parameters:
dtype (tf.dtype): The data type (default=tf.float32) initializer (tf.Operation): An initializer op (default=None, which gets this scope’s default initializer) scope (str): A scope for this var, used to select the appropriate default initializer for a module

Get a module by name

Parameters:name (str) – The module name
get_parameter(key, default=None, namespace=None)

Get the value of a parameter if it exists and is not None

Parameters:key (str) – The parameter name
Keyword Arguments:
 namespace (str) – An optional namespace, searches for namespace/key instead of key (default=None)
Returns:The value of the parameter
Raises:KeyError – if the parameter key is not found or if its value is None

Construct a data queue for this tower, which can be used to pre-cache mini-batch data on the GPU in parallel.

get_variable(name, shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=<tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops.Zeros object>, trainable=False)

Get a tensorflow variable. Automatically selects the appropriate compute device.

  • name (str) – The parameter name, which will result in a tensorflow variable referenced at scope/name:x
  • shape (list or tuple) – The explicit shape of this variable
Keyword Parameters:
dtype (tf.dtype): The data type (default=tf.float32) initializer (tf.Operation): An initializer op (default=tf.zeros_initializer()) trainable (bool): Whether to add to collection tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES
get_weight(name, shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=None, prior=None, scope=None)

Get a weight variable. Weights are automatically added to tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES and tf.GraphKeys.WEIGHTS

  • name (str) – The parameter name, which will result in a tensorflow variable referenced at scope/name:x
  • shape (list or tuple) – The explicit shape of this variable
Keyword Parameters:
dtype (tf.dtype): The data type (default=tf.float32) initializer (tf.Operation): An initializer op (default=None, which gets this scope’s default initializer) scope (str): A scope for this var, used to select the appropriate default initializer for a module

Return the gradients for all trainable variables.

Returns:Tower gradients
Return type:grads (list)
has_parameter(key, default=None, namespace=None)

Check if a parameter exists and is not None

Parameters:key (str) – The parameter name
Keyword Arguments:
 namespace (str) – An optional namespace, searches for namespace/key instead of key (default=None)

Add the values of Model._parameters as class attributes. For a given (key, value) pair, this will add instance attributes of the form:

  • self.key = value

This behavior is currently optional, but will eventually become the default.


Get the input dictionary, (name, tf.Tensor) pairs. This does not necessarily contain feedable placeholders


Get the joint dictionary of all inputs and targets


Return the persistent tensor loader for this tower, which can be used to pre-cache data on the GPU.


Get the aggregated loss op for this tower. Constructed as a sum of all named losses.


Get a dictionary of all losses (name, tf.Tensor) pairs.


Get all variables associated with metric update operations


Get a dictionary of all metrics (name, (eval_op, update_op)) pairs.


Get a copy of the modules dictionary, which consists of (, module) pairs.


Get the name scope of the tower


Get the output dictionary, (name, tf.Tensor) pairs.


Return the parameter dictionary. This combines user-specified parameters, defaults in Model._parameters and all Module._parameters


Boolean tensorflow variable specifying the current phase

  • True = training phase
  • False = testing phase

Get a dictionary of feedable placeholders to names. This will contain all inputs and targets, as well as support tensors for sparse and ragged inputs


Get a dictionary of feedable placeholders. This will contain all inputs and targets, as well as support tensors for sparse and ragged inputs


Bootstrap a tensorflow graph and perform sanity checks:

  1. Inject parameters into the tower object attributes
  2. Create the tensorflow ops associated with Model by calling build_fn.
  3. Add additional ops joining all losses, or add a no_op if no losses
  4. Perform sanity checks and emit warnings for missing elements (e.g no inputs, no losses)
  5. Check for unused parameter values (often caused by a typo in a parameter name)
Parameters:build_fn – A reference to Model._model()

Return a object implementing the model-specified schema (see Model._schema)


Set the gradients for trainable variables in this tower.

This is used to override the gradients property for use with optimizer-specific gradients.


Set the total loss op (Tower.loss) to the sum of the given named loss ops

set_parameter(key, value, namespace=None)

Set the value of a parameter

  • key (str) – The parameter name
  • value – A parameter value (any dill-pickleable type is valid)
Keyword Arguments:

namespace (str) – An optional namespace, searches for namespace/key instead of key (default=None)

set_parameter_default(key, value, namespace=None)

Set the value of a parameter if it is not already set

  • key (str) – The parameter name
  • value – A parameter value (any dill-pickleable type is valid)
Keyword Arguments:

namespace (str) – An optional namespace, searches for namespace/key instead of key (default=None)


Set the current phase. This is used by Model.infer, and Model.evaluate

Values are:

  • True = training phase
  • False = testing phase
Parameters:value (bool) – the new value of the phase variable

Show table data to each module attached to this tower. Used by to set training parameters (e.g data normalization)

Parameters:batch (dict-like) – A batch dictionary containing data tables

Get the target dictionary, (name, tf.Tensor) pairs. This does not necessarily contain feedable placeholders


Get the collection of all trainables (weights + biases + other trainables) for this model


Get the transform dictionary, (name, TensorTransform) pairs.


Get a dictionary of all variables belonging to this tower


Get the complete collection of all variables for this model (weights + biases + other trainbles + non-trainables)


Get the collection of all weights for this model