Usage Examples

Basic neural network

Distributed training

# Example code showing how to run distributed training across multiple GPUs or nodes
# using horovod and MPI

import tflon
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

class NeuralNet(tflon.model.Model):
    def _model(self):
        I = self.add_input('desc', shape=[None, 210])
        T = self.add_target('targ', shape=[None, 1])

        net = tflon.toolkit.WindowInput() |\
              tflon.toolkit.Dense(20, activation=tf.tanh) |\
              tflon.toolkit.Dense(5, activation=tf.tanh) |\
        L = net(I)

        self.add_output( "pred", tf.nn.sigmoid(L) )
        self.add_loss( "xent", tflon.toolkit.xent_uniform_sum(T, L) )
        self.add_loss( "l2", tflon.toolkit.l2_penalty(self.weights) )
        self.add_metric( 'auc', tflon.toolkit.auc(T, L) )

if __name__=='__main__':
    # Initialize horovod and setup gpu resources
    config = tflon.distributed.init_distributed_resources()

    graph = tf.Graph()
    with graph.as_default():
        # Add a model instance
        NN = NeuralNet(use_gpu=True)

        # Create the distributed trainer
        trainer = tflon.distributed.DistributedTrainer( tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3), iterations=1000 )

    # Create the data feed, use the same feed for all process instances
    # tflon.distributed.DistributedTable adds MPI synchronization to the Table API min and max ops
    # Usually, different data would be loaded on each process (see tflon.distributed.make_distributed_table_feed)
    tsv_reader = lambda fpath: pd.read_csv(fpath, sep='\t', dtype={'ID':str}).set_index('ID')
    schema ='descriptors.tsv', tsv_reader), targ=('targets.tsv', tsv_reader))

    # Look at tflon_test/data/distributed to see how shards are organized on disk
    feed = tflon.distributed.make_distributed_table_feed( resource_filename('', 'distributed'), schema, master_table='desc',partition_strategy='all' )

    with tf.Session(graph=graph, config=config):
        # Train with minibatch size 100 feed.shuffle(batch_size=100), trainer, restarts=2, source_tables=feed )

        # Perform inference on the master process
        if tflon.distributed.is_master():
            auc = NN.evaluate( feed, query='auc' )
            print "AUC:", auc
            assert auc > 0.8

Molecule neighborhood convolution